Wednesday, January 26, 2011

5 weeks to go!

Hard to believe there are only 5 weeks left (4 weeks and 6 days if we are being exact)!!  Since June, we have had March 1 circled on all of our calendars and it seemed so far away... it is amazing that the day is almost here!

We are starting to get so excited and can't wait to meet our daughter/son! :)

We have recently had a major breakthrough... we have decided on names.  I know, hard to believe.  But we both really love both of the names and it feels great to have mutually agreed on both a boy and a girls name!  We'll just keep everyone in suspense on what those names are until he/she arrives :)

We took a belly shot last night and I have to tell you, I knew I was getting big, but until I saw the photo, didn't realize just HOW big!  Camera puts on 10 lbs though, right?! haha

35 weeks pregnant!

We have our last childbirth prep class tomorrow night -- we are supposed to bring our bag with us to class that we are planning on bringing to the hospital.  Guess that means that we need to pack our bag tonight! 

We had our most recent Dr's appt on Monday and the baby's heartbeat sounded strong and rate was around 140... hearing that heartbeat never gets old :)  Dr. said she thought the baby's head felt like it was down and she estimated that the baby weighs about 5 1/2 lbs!  We will now have weekly appointments until delivery day comes.

We went shopping Monday night to mommy's favorite store (Baby Gap!) and picked out a baby boy and girl outfit that our little one will come home in.  Plan is to have Grandma Kate wash the outfit once we know what it is and bring it to the hospital for us.  It's amazing how excited I seem to get about little things like this :)

I continue to feel pretty good.  I am starting to get to that uncomfortable stage, however.  I easily wake up 3-5 times per night with either heartburn or to have to pee... poor Joey gets awakened every time.  Guess it's just prepping for when the little one actually arrives! 

That's about it for now!  Happy Hump Day everyone and here's to a great rest of the week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Childbirth Prep

So, Joey and I started our childbirth classes last Thursday night and now have completed two courses (have two more to go).  I'm not going to lie, sitting in there and listening to some of that stuff really gets my heart racing -- especially since the women in the videos they show appear to be in so much pain.  Don't get me wrong, I know it is going to be painful, but, I mean, can't they show videos of women with freakishly high pain tolerances to make it appear to be a little less painful?!?!

Joey had me laughing so hard last night in our class.  They talk a lot about your "coach" (aka: Joey) and what all they are responsible for: massaging, supporting, picking out new breathing techniques, praise, being a focal point, etc...  Joey leaned over to me last night and said: "I'm not going to lie, I really had no idea it was going to be this hard[refering to himself].  I just kind of thought I was going to show up and hang out."  Even as I write, that still makes me laugh :)

The teacher of the class asked all of us what one thing we wanted to accomplish to help better prepare for baby prior to next week was:

My task: purchase the coming home outfit (we are going to buy a boys outfit and a girls outfit) -- so excited about this :)

Joey's: he wants to purchase snacks for his "coach's kit" (bag he takes for himself to the hospital).  Again, he makes me laugh :)

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Just about 6 weeks left to go!!!! Can't wait!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Belly Shoot!

Joey and I had a lot of fun last weekend (probably me a little more than him -- what girl doesn't love getting their photo taken and pretending to be a model for an hour?!).  He was such a trooper agreeing to take photos with me -- he is going to be such a good daddy :)

Blind Photography in Des Moines took the photos and they did a WONDERFUL job!  Definitely would recommend them.  They were taken at 32 weeks pregnant.

Enjoy some of my favs!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Entering the homestretch!

Yikes!  I really need to get better at posting more often!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!  We were lucky to spend time both here with my family and in KC with Joey's.  I love the holidays and being able to spend time with loved ones -- just kept picturing a baby being at next year's celebrations (yeaah!).   Baby Hajduch was spoiled already with the wonderful gifts we received in his/her anticipation :)

I had every intention of sending out a Christmas card this year, but I just never got fully around to it.  Here are a few photos of my photoshoot attempt with the pups.  I think I probably took about 15 different photos and these are literally the best ones :)  Don't let them fool you, they are not always this cute.....

Preslie (sitting); Nala (laying)
They are both watching TV instead of looking at the camera

Nala looks like I am making her do the worst thing ever

I did a belly photoshoot this past weekend --- it was a lot of fun and I think will be a good keepsake for the pregnancy :)  Can't wait to get the photos back and share them with you all.

Had a Dr's appt on Wednesday and everything is continuing to run smoothly!  Measuring right on track... hard to believe there are only 7 1/2 weeks left until March 1!!  I am beginning to get soooo excited and am very anxious to meet him/her.  I think I am back to thinking it is a girl, which means nothing but the fact that it is obvious I have no clue what it is (considering I've been flip-flopping the entire pregnancy)!  Daddy has thought girl since the beginning, so we'll see if he knows what he's talking about ;)

Still feeling good (minus sleeping and heartburn), but I really can't complain.  We started our childbirth classes last night and have 3 more of them to complete.  It actually was really helpful and will hopefully make me feel a little more relaxed when that time comes!!

That's all for now -- will hopefully post belly photos here soon!

Happy 2011 to all our family and friends!!