So many have been pestering me to upload photos of my growing belly (and it is DEFINITELY growing)! I have to admit, I'm not quite comfortable uploading them to facebook, so I figure the blog will be the best way to share.
So here it goes! Joey and I do our best to take photos every few weeks, so we'll start from the beginning...
The proud daddy-to-be the day we found out :) Yes, we took multiple tests (I think 7 total...) |
13 weeks |
15 weeks |
20 weeks |
21 weeks |
And, the most recent (tonight), 23 1/2 weeks
So there we have it! Baby is growing and becoming more and more active every day! I haven't been able to sleep very well the past few nights, and when I wake up and try to go back to bed, baby is going CRAZY!! Hopefully we can get these nights and days switched around come time for the little one's arrival :)
Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with Joey and the pups -- our furniture for the new basement arrives tomorrow (and I have the day off -- yeah!), along with a new sofa for upstairs. Things are definitely coming together around here... just in time too :)
congrats! you look so happy!