Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Nursery

We have had a pretty exciting past couple of weeks!  The first being the completion of the BASEMENT!  Yeaaa!  It is so nice to have the extra room to breathe down there (and particularly nice to have an extra bathroom now)!  I will post pictures of the basement in a later blog for all to see!  We are mostly excited because our house isn't a disaster zone anymore, so we can finally start having people over!

The second big project has been the nursery!  Daddy surprised mommy by painting the nursery one Saturday while I was out running errands -- what a great surprise to come home and see the green paint on the walls!  The color turned out perfect -- gender neutral and fun!

We (and I can say we, I did help) also put together the crib, changing table, and rocking chair.  We also have Joey's baby armoire from when he was little and with a big thank you from Grandma Kate, that is all painted and looks as good as new!

It is so exciting to walk past the room and picture a baby sleeping in there in a few short months!  I still have a lot of work to do on the decorating part... but the essentials are there :)  Getting more and more excited by the day to meet our little one -- about 3 months to go!!

Daddy putting together the crib
Crib and Armoire (door and knobs still not put on the armoire)
Rocking chair and changing table
Nala approves of the room :)

We also decided to be REALLY ambitious this past weekend and go register for some things at Babies R Us --- WOW is that overwhelming!  By the time Joey and I got to the baby diaper trash cans and there were six different options, we looked at each other and decided, "wow, we have no idea what we're doing."  Thanks to my cousin Emilie and her little one Olivia for coming back with me the next day and pointing me in the right direction!  :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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